Car Leasing business generates 700 leads monthly - Revenue Machine

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Car Leasing business generates 700 leads monthly

Cost per Lead: $21.47 per lead (average)
Number of Leads: 698 leads a month (average)
Plan: $15,000 a month
Platform: Facebook & Instagram
Length: Customer for over 11 Months


Firms in the car leasing sector lease cars to private individuals and businesses on a short-term basis. Over the next five years, industry revenue is predicted to increase due to the recent changes in people’s financial behaviour (not wanting to pay out huge amounts of money at a time) and also the demand of consumers wanting to change their cars more often. Company demand is likely to rise in the future, fueled in part by the development of electric vehicles, though it may be hampered by economic uncertainties lowering business confidence.

At an average cost of $21.47 per lead with a budget of $15,000 per month with an average number of leads of 698 leads per month, Revenue Machine helped a car leasing business quickly acquire leads after signing up using our tested lead generation methods on Facebook & Instagram.

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