Home Improvement business generates leads at ~$28 - Revenue Machine

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Home Improvement business generates leads at ~$28

Cost per Lead: $28.85 per lead (average)
Number of Leads: 104 leads a month (average)
Plan: $3,000 a month
Platform: Facebook & Instagram
Length: Customer for over 9 Months


While other businesses struggled with the economic impact of COVID-19, the home renovation industry is growing. In fact, the home renovation business is stronger today than it has been in more than a decade. The construction business includes the selling of building materials, appliances, décor, and other home additions, as well as the services provided by contractors, tradesmen, and other professionals who assist in the construction, installation, modification, and upgrade of homes.

At an average cost of $28.85 per lead with a budget of $3,000 per month, Revenue Machine helped a new business to the sector quickly acquire leads using our tested lead generation strategies, using paid ads on social media to reach their niche target audience.

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