Cost per Lead: $32.12 per lead (average)
Number of Leads: 155 leads a month (average)
Plan: $5,000 a month
Platform: Google
The private tuition business has exploded in recent years, with an increasing number of customers booking teachers online or at traditional tuition centres. Only a few years ago, finding a tutor was limited to word of mouth, combing the yellow pages, or perusing the notices in a newsagent’s window. After extensive studies into the size of the UK tuition market, the Sutton Trust came to the following conclusion: ‘The UK private tuition market is substantial.’ Its total value is likely to be in the billions.
Revenue Machine helped generate a monthly average of 155 leads per month for a new start-up in the sector, with an average spend of $32.12 per lead. We have worked with the client for 13 months, using our Plus plan to help generate their business a steady flow of new customers.