Website Design Business generated hundreds of leads - Revenue Machine

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Website Design Business generated hundreds of leads

Cost per Lead: $25.31 per lead (average)
Number of Leads: 118 leads a month (average)
Plan: $3,000 a month
Platform: Facebook & Instagram


Revenue in the Web Design Services market is expected to rise at a compound annual rate of 0.8 percent over the next five years, to $560.9 million in 2021-22, including a 3.5 percent increase this year. Despite the harmful impacts of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, which has been ongoing since the end of 2019. The necessity of having an online presence has considerably contributed to businesses adopting the services of web designers to expand and improve their websites, and demand from businesses has been high over the period. Businesses that have a website have been exposed to a wider audience as internet availability has increased globally.

With help from Revenue Machine, we helped a growing business in the web design sector to gain an average of 118 leads per month. This was at an average cost of $25.31 per lead, using our Rise Plan. We worked with the client for 14 months, and provided an essential customer base to help their new business thrive.

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